Contains the infrastructure for integration with JUnit.
One can use the package by adding the dependency io.github.stefankoppier.openapi.validator:integration-junit:x.y.z
and add a test. For example
@OpenAPITest(relativeUrl = "src/test/resources/petstore.yaml")
class OpenAPIValidationExtensionTest {
fun `my petstore test`() {
assertDocumentIsValidFor {
openAPI("My specification") {
info {
title { exactly("OpenAPI Petstore") }
In the test above, we have some points of interest. To add support for validation in your test class, add the two annotations: @ExtendWith(OpenAPIValidationExtension::class)
and @OpenAPITest(relativeUrl = "src/test/resources/petstore.yaml")
. Note that @OpenAPITest
can be written at both the class level and the function level. These two extensions together wil inject the OpenAPI specification into your tests, on which you can assert using assertDocumentIsValidFor
, which takes a rule as an argument.
The available rules can be found in the documentation of the core module.