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Validate that the element should be equal to one of the elements in option given that it is set.
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Validate that the element should be equal to value given that it is set.
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fun <R : ValidationRule<BigDecimal>> R.given(precondition: (BigDecimal?) -> Boolean, rule: R.() -> R): R
Validate rule only if precondition evaluates to true.
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fun <R : ValidationRule<BigDecimal>> R.holds(message: (BigDecimal?) -> String = { "Was supposed to hold for '$it' but did not" }, predicate: (BigDecimal?) -> Boolean): R
Validate that predicate evaluates to true.
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Validate that the element is less than or equal to value.
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Validate that the element is greater than or equal to value.
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Validate that the rule does not hold.
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Validate that the element is set.
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Validate that the element is not set.
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Execute the given rule(s) on the fixture.